Setting up and connecting to M16 under Linux using Wine
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For those of you using Linux, I am happy to say that it is possible to play on M16 servers. This post is a step-by-step guide that hopefully helps you out.
Runner used: wine 9.0 (stable)
1. Winetricks (if you have this already, skip to step 2)
chmod +x winetricks
2. Setup Prefix
Use winetricks from earlier to create a prefix, if your winetricks file is elsewhere, just change the path below:
WINEPREFIX=~/Games/m16prefix ./winetricks -q corefonts dxvk dotnet48
3. Extract Files and Run
Obtain and and extract their contents inside a folder
mkdir ~/Games/wc3 && unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/Games/wc3 && unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/Games/wc3
Run the game
WINEPREFIX=~/Games/m16prefix wine ~/Games/wc3/JNLoader.exe
In my experience, none of the staging builds work.
If you are unable to connect to any games, Go back to Settings and change the port from 6112 -> 1024